On/Off Type Driver IC's Wave Length; Showing A Low Utilization Rate
Figure 2
“Utilization rate” refers to the percentage of the times that LEDs are effectively lit in a duty cycle. Using a wave diagram observing OE pin as an example (the low parts represent the time that LED is lit), LED utilization rate = T(LED lit)/T(Total time). A LED utilization rate of 63% means only 63% of effect luminous intensity (measured in Nits) of the LED is utilized.
(Figure 2)The three modules shown below have different utilization rates; under the same peak current, the module at the lower right is clearly brighter, demonstrating that its utilization rate is higher than that of the other two modules.
Advantages of high utilization rate:
1. Fully bring out the performance of the LEDs
If the utilization rate is 99%, using LED lights of 10,000 Nits can result in LED displays with 9,900 Nits brightness; if the utility rate is 80%, then the displays brightness is only 8,000 Nits.
2. Extending LEDs’ life span
When using driver ICs with lower utilization rate, the peak current through the LED lights must be increased to increase the LED brightness and can result in shorter LED life span.
3. Reducing the cost of power supply
Since there is no need to increase the peak current flowing through the LEDs, there is no need of a power supply with higher specifications.