Contact Us|Macroblock


Contact Us

  • Support

    • Taiwan (Headquarter)

      • Floor 6-4, No.18, Puding Rd., Hsinchu 30072, Taiwan R.O.C.
      • TEL :


      • FAX :


    • China

      • Unit ABCD, 7Floor Golden Century Building, 6033 Shennan Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
      • TEL :


    • Korea

      • #101-1705, 11 Taegeuk-ro, Ilsandong-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea; Zip code: 10394
  • Human Resource

    • Taiwan

      • Floor 6-4, No.18, Puding Rd., Hsinchu 30072, Taiwan R.O.C.
      • TEL :


      • FAX :


Contact Form

Make your voice heard! Leave your contact details and we will reach out to you promptly


Contact Form

Have questions? Leave your contact details below and we will reach out to you promptly

  • *Company
  • *Your Name
  • *Country
  • Company’s Website
  • *Company’s Phone
  • *Cell Phone
  • *E-mail
  • Type of Business
    • Manufacture

    • Trading Company

    • Agent/Distribution

    • End User

    • Others :

  • How do you know Macroblock?
    • Sales

    • Macroblock's Website

    • Media :

    • Internet :

    • Others :

  • Type of Request
    • Technical Consultation

    • Product Datasheet

    • Technical Article

    • Quotation

    • IC Identification

    • Others :

  • Description of Your Request
  • *Captcha Code


Are You Using The Real MBI IC?

Have an IC and would like to determine if it's MBI's real IC or not? Leave your contact details below and we will reach out to you promptly

  • *Company
  • *Your Name
  • *Country
  • Company’s Website
  • *Company’s Phone
  • *Cell Phone
  • *E-mail
  • *Type of purchase
    • Macroblock IC

    • LED Display /Lighting Module

    • Finished Goods (LED Display Panels or LED Lighting Fixtures)

  • *Seller
  • *Purchase date
  • *Purchase quantity
  • *MBI IC part number
  • *Please fill in the complete IC serial number
  • *Captcha Code